How to choose the right size dining table

Customers usually know how many seating positions they want but understandably they may not be able to translate that into table size. One question we get asked frequently is “what size dining table should I get?”.

There are two key factors in determing the ideal size – first is how much space you require each diner to have, second is what size chairs are being used.

Radius 70
Radius 70 used as a six seater dIning table

1. Allow enough space for each diner

The first question is to do with what you consider acceptable in terms of ‘elbow room’. Comfort to some extent is subjective. Some people will feel they need more space than others, psychologically. While one guest may be fine to be in cosy close proximity, another may feel claustrophobic to be in elblow touching distance.

We believe the average person should have 50cm at the very least. If your diners are on the larger end of spectrum you may want to increase this number slightly to accomodate them.

Make sure there is plenty of elbow room

2. Consider the chair width

Measuring the width of the chairs you intend to use can be helpful. It might be annoying if you find the chairs can’t be placed neatly next to each other when tucked under and not it use. Most dining chairs don’t have arms, but those that do can really increase the required space, so look out that. You would ideally want a bit of room either side of a chair so they don’t keep clashing – perhaps at least 2cm.

Therefore, if the chairs are 49cm wide you would want 51cm per person, a 52cm chair means allowing 54cm each, and so on.

In summary, the minimum space we estimate that you should allow per person is 50cm, but allow more if your chairs are 49cm or wider.

Measure your chairs to work out the space you need

Factor in the design of the table

Once you have decided on the minimum seating space needed you should to bear this in mind when choosing a table design. For each of our dining tables, we have produced a dimensions sheet which explains how to work out the room between the legs – a key factor in calculating the optimum size. For example, if you need 50cm per person and you want three people per side you will need at least 150cm between table legs.

Overall design is important because the leg positions on a table have a considerable impact on how many can fit around it, and in what arrangement. If the legs are placed quite far in from the ends – as for example on Wing 200 or Box 85 – it may reduce the amount of space for seats in the central area. On the other hand, a large inset means you have more seating space on the ends.

Wing 200
Wing 200 Dining Table has inset legs

Table width affects leg room

Be sure to consider table width too, as this is important if you want diners to sit at the ends. On a table with not much of a leg-to-end inset, any less than 75-80cm wide (deoending in the table – see below) and the person on the end may find themselves knocking knees with the diners to their sides.

Table sizes from our collection

The following is an approximate seating size guide to our dining tables.:

4 seater table sizes

ATO 55: 80-129cm long x 80-100cm wide

Radius 70: 75-124cm long x 75-100cm wide

Element 57: 82-131cm long x 82-100cm wide

Stadium 300: 108-157cm long x 87-100cm wide

Wing 200: 110-159cm long x 88-100cm wide

Box 85: 126-175cm long x 85cm wide

Record 65: 110-120cm diameter

6 seater table sizes

ATO 55: 130-179cm long x 80-100cm wide

Radius 70: 125-174cm long x 75-100cm wide

Element 57: 132-181cm- long x 82-100cm

Stadium 300: 158-190cm long x 87-100cm wide

Wing 200: 160-190cm long x 88-100cm wide

Box 85: 176-190cm long x 85cm wide

Record 65: Only available as a custom order

8 seater table sizes

ATO 55: 180-190cm long x 80cm-100cm wide

Radius 70: 175-190cm long x 75-100cm wide

Element 57: 182-190cm long x 82-100cm wide

Stadium 300: Only available as a custom order

Wing 200: Only available as a custom order

Box 85: Only available as a custom order

Record 65: Only available as a custom order

Please take the above dimensions as a guide, but consider your own particular needs (i.e. chair sizes and required space per person) before purchasing. If you would like to discuss the ideal size for you, contact us.